Primary Education Topic:
Aging in Community
Other Education Topics:
Aging in Community
Creativity and Lifelong Learning
Health & Wellness
Healthcare & Aging
Leadership in Aging
Legal & Ethical Issues
Mental Health & Aging
Multicultural Aging
Policy and Advocacy
Technology, Accessibility & Transportation

Given that age-related vulnerabilities such as diabetes, hypertension, vision or sensory deficits, impaired mobility, cognitive decline or mental health conditions such as depression or anxiety are more common in late life, policymakers, program managers and care providers should learn optimal practices for serving older adults’ needs during all stages of a disaster.
By Lisa M. Brown
During 2017, 15 major natural disasters occurred in the United States. Differences exist between these types of disasters in terms of extent (e.g., timing, duration) and impact (e.g., loss of life, loss of community). The interaction of extent and impact influences how people prepare for future disasters, how they evacuate and how they experience and recover from such events.